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ServiceNow - All About Support Cases, Navigation and Anatomy

Support cases begin with CS and are located in the Cases section that can be searched using the Sidebar Navigator

If the view does not match as above, please change the view by clicking on the hamburger in the upper right corner of the Change record, and go to ViewArmory Support Watch List Located closer to the top of the case, Armory users can add additional personnel to become up to date about a case. This can include Customers, Armory users, and even third parties. Anyone with an email address will be valid Responses and Interactions There is a tab called Comments and Work Notes, at the bottom portion of the case. This is a record of the interactions, internal or otherwise. It is also where we can respond back to the customer There are two fields here. One called Work Notes, which are internal only, and will have a Yellow border to the interaction. Another called Additional Comments, which are customer visible, and have a Grey border to the interaction. Escalations All customers can now escalate, and all users can escalate based on their ticket There is an escalation tab for each case. If a case becomes escalated, it will be recorded in this tab. There is also a background process that happens as a result of an escalation, that is documented here: Support Engineers - SNOW Escalation Response The following KB explains how the process works from a customer's perspective: Escalating a Case Resolution Notes This area shows the resolution information on a case. It will have any additional information about the case that may not be covered in the Responses and interactions Attached Knowledge/Created Knowledge If any KB articles were either attached as a result of resolving the case, or created, they will be located in these tabs at the very bottom of the case. Navigating within Cases to find additional information

For any field within a Case where there's an associated record, users will see an info icon (i) next to the field. If you click on the (i) icon, you can see a preview of the record, and a button named open record can be seen. That button will respect right click navigation to open to a new window/tab and also Command+click to open in a new tab

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