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Changes to a ConfigMap not reflected in new deployment


Certain applications that use a readable hot config for dynamic configuration are improperly configured failing or failing when using a ConfigMap to drive the dynamic deployment strategy. This is commonly used when teams want to make changes to configuration properties only (ie. the ConfigMap), without applying a complete artifact re-deployment. Performing a rolling restart of the pods yields the same result, with the ConfigMap in question seems to not pick up any new updates to it.


Restarting deployments do not automatically take the changes of an updated ConfigMap. To demonstrate this, consider the following scenario - with a basic two-stage deployment pipeline: Deploy (Manifest) stage in which we define a ConfigMap, called configmaptest, which contains a text file with the following text in it: apiVersion: v1 data: some-file.txt: | testing this file-spin-testing-12345566 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: configmaptest namespace: spinnaker01​ Deploy (Manifest) stage in which we define a basic nginx deployment: has the above-mentioned ConfigMap "configmaptest" mounted: volumes:

  • configMap: defaultMode: 420 name: configmaptest name: some-volume-name​ the following path on the nginx container: volumeMounts:
  • mountPath: /testing/file.txt name: some-volume-name subPath: some-file.txt
  •  After running this pipeline for the first time, we make a change to the ConfigMap to change the contents of the testing text file. Then, we re-run the pipeline to see if the deployment would pick up the new ConfigMap, which it didn't. We can also perform a rollout restart deployment but still doesn't take in the changes
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