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The process below defines how to provision Harness connectors and AWS IAM roles using Terraform.


You will need access to provision IAM roles in AWS and create CCM connectors in Harness.

Setup Providers

We need to leverage the AWS and Harness Terraform providers. We will use these to create IAM roles and CCM connectors.

terraform {
required_providers {
aws = {
source = "hashicorp/aws"
version = "~> 5.0"
harness = {
source = "harness/harness"

provider "aws" {
region = "us-east-1"

provider "harness" {}

data "harness_platform_current_account" "current" {}

Get Accounts And Create Connectors

There are two options to retrieve the accounts we want to create connectors for. We'll use the Harness provider to create a CCM connector for each AWS account after we retrieve them. We are enabling recommendations (VISIBILITY), governance (GOVERNANCE), and autostopping (OPTIMIZATION).

Use The AWS Provider To Get All Accounts In The Organization

data "aws_organizations_organization" "this" {}

resource "harness_platform_connector_awscc" "this" {
for_each = { for account in data.aws_organizations_organization.this.accounts : "${trimspace(}" => account }

identifier = replace(replace(trimspace(, "-", "_"), " ", "_")
name = replace(replace(trimspace(, "-", "_"), " ", "_")

account_id = trimspace(

features_enabled = [
cross_account_access {
role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::${trimspace(}:role/HarnessCERole"
external_id = "harness:891928451355:${}"

Use The Built In Locals Value To Define The Accounts Statically

This is useful when you don't have a solid naming convention and you want to apply certain features to different accounts. For example, you want to only apply autostopping in non-prod accounts. This is also useful when you can't authenticate to the AWS master account.

locals {
aws-non-prod = ["000000000001", "000000000002"]
aws-prod = ["000000000004", "000000000003"]

resource "harness_platform_connector_awscc" "data" {
for_each = toset(concat(,

identifier = "aws${each.key}"
name = "aws${each.key}"

account_id = trimspace(each.key)

features_enabled = [
cross_account_access {
role_arn = "arn:aws:iam::${each.key}:role/HarnessCERole"
external_id = "harness:891928451355:${}"

Create Roles In Each AWS Account

Your organization probably already has a process to do this. When this is the case, defer to that process. Below are two alternatives.

Create Roles In Each AWS Account via Terraform

If you have the ability to provision roles into every AWS account using Terraform, you can use this module to simplify provisioning of the role. In this example, we are applying account-wide read only access as the role permission for all services. For what can be enabled using this module please refer to this guide.

module "ccm-member" {
source = "harness-community/harness-ccm/aws"
version = "0.1.4"

external_id = "harness:891928451355:<your harness account id>"

enable_events = true

governance_policy_arn = [

Create Roles In Each AWS Account via a CloudFormation StackSet

If you want deploy a role in each account via a CloudFormation StackSet, here is the StackSet that provides the necessary permissions for Recommendations, AutoStopping, Asset Governance, and Commitment Orchestration.

You will have to modify parameters in the StackSet in order for it to execute correctly.

  • PrincipalBilling: Leave this as default arn:aws:iam::891928451355:root
  • ExternalId: harness:891928451355:<your harness account id>
  • BucketName: Leave this field blank. Used for the payer account in which the CUR resides
  • RoleName: HarnessCERole
  • LambdaExecutionRoleName: HarnessCELambdaExecutionRole
  • BillingEnabled: false
  • EventsEnabled: true if you want recommendations and inventory data for various services for this account, false otherwise
  • OptimizationEnabled: true if you want to do autostopping in this account, false otherwise
  • GovernanceEnabled: true will enable read-only access for all services within the account to have the ability to run evaluations in dry-run mode. If you want to enforce rules on various services, you will need to add additional policies to this StackSet
  • CommitmentOrchestratorEnabled: false (turning on commitment orchestrator for a non-payer account doesn't make sense)


This is a general example of providing read only access for each connector inside of an AWS organization. Policies will have to be added based on what other CCM features you want to use. This example doesn't include setting up the connector for the billing account. This guide assumes there already exists a connector into the master AWS account sthat has the billing export and an existing connector for the billing data.

Supplemental Information

Here is the Terraform documentation for the Harness provider.

Here is the Terraform documentation for the AWS provider.

Here is the AWS API documentation.

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